
Example responses of pairs of neurons in macaque MT/V5 to frozen noise stochastic dot stimuli

Subject e, recording site mu034
Site ID Number of cells Remarks
emu034Pnov1 2 Frozen noise, random seeds do not vary, first block
emu034Pnov2 2 Frozen noise, second block (random seeds differ from first block)
emu034Pvar 2 Random seeds vary from trial to trial
emu034Dvar 2 Direction tuning at c = 100%

Subject e, recording site mu035
Site ID Number of cells Remarks
emu035Pnov 2 Frozen noise, random seeds do not vary
emu035Pvar 2 Random seeds vary from trial to trial
emu035Dvar 2 Direction tuning at c = 100%

Subject r, recording site t068
Site ID Number of cells Remarks
rt068Dnov 2 Frozen noise, direction tuning at c = 100%
rt068Dvar 2 Seeds vary from trial to trial, direction tuning at c = 100%

Subject r, recording site t072
Site ID Number of cells Remarks
rt072Dnov 2 Frozen noise, direction tuning at c = 100%
rt072Dvar 2 Seeds vary from trial to trial, direction tuning at c = 100%