
T1 data format

For action potential times (spike trains) or other event time data.

Example data file:

Name cell_018
Start 0
Duration 2000
Sampling 1000.0
Params contrast orientation speed
Trials 5
T 1 1.00 45 fast
R 12 10 24 88 99 225 348 1052 1067 1221 1288 1304 1515
T 2 0.50 180 medium
R 9 62 69 74 101 193 404 516 1002 1861
T 3 0.00 90 slow
R 0
T 4 1.00 180 medium
R 6 17 102 252 279 1535 1923
T 5 0.50 270 fast
R 11 24 32 65 139 320 598 601 1431 1636 1777 1923

The file begins with a list of identifiers (in green) and values (in red). The identifier, Name specifies a character string that should allow the contributors to match the submitted data file to their original records. The identifiers Start and Duration define the time period during which data was recorded. The unit of time is defined by Sampling, which specifies the number of samples per second. Thus, a sampling value of 1000.0 indicates milliseconds. The identifier, Params is followed by a list of parameter names whose values vary and thus are specified for each trial. The identifier, Trials is followed by the number of trials of data in the file.

The rest of the file consists of data organized in trials. Each trial begins with T followed by the trial number, which runs in order from 1 up to the total number of trials in the file. The next items on the line (in white) specify the values for each parameter named above by Params. Values must be separated by spaces or tabs, and a newline (i.e., an end-of-line character) must terminate the line. The next line in the trial begins with R (for record) and specifies the number of data points in the record (in red) and the times of action potentials (in yellow) in units specified by Sampling. If no spikes were recorded on a given trial, the record line is simply "R 0", as in trial 3 above. There should be no action potential values that fall outside of the time period specified by Start and Duration. In this example, the integers from 0 to 1999, inclusive, are the only acceptable values for spike times. Spike time values should be separated by spaces (or tabs) and the last spike time (on each trial) must be followed by a newline.
